For Patients

Clinic Appointments

Manage Appointments

In view of the latest MOH Safe Management Measures, please kindly observe the following conditions when visiting the clinic.

  • Register your appointment via HealthHub to skip the queue. You may use HealthHub to view and monitor your queue status.
  • Only 1 visitor/companion per patient (including caregiver) is allowed in clinical areas at any one time.
  • Masks must be worn at all times. Visitors/patients must bring their own masks.
  • As a precautionary measure, patients or visitors should not visit if they are having fever, breathlessness, body ache, headache, cough, chills, fatigue, sore throat or runny nose. Please visit the GP or Polyclinic.
  • For infection control and safety reasons, children aged 12 and below will not be allowed entry.

Manage Appointments Online

Register your appointment requests via HealthHub. You can submit your appointment requests to view, make, change or cancel your appointments.

Some exclusions apply. Do observe the following:

  • Online appointments are for non-urgent cases only
  • Please ensure you have enough medication until next appointment
  • Our Patient Information Associate will contact you if further details are required

To View, Change or Cancel Appointments

To Make A New Appointment

To Make A New Appointment at Admiralty Medical Centre

Dental Scaling & Polishing

SMS (65) 8511 2025, key in "Scaling" for same day appointment.

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